Then, next up was a shopping bonanza to the op shops to find containers to hold these candles. This is the beginning of a friendship between multitudes of op shops & me.......
I already had plenty of aromatherapy oils as at one point in my life I was very into aromatherapy, read & knew most of all the healing benefits etc. However will need to update my knowledge on these oils & purchase new ones as they do go out of date & don't hold the same healing qualities as if they are new. With what I did have in my aromatherapy supply, I was able to make a few LOVE combination candles.Once I had all my supplies, I couldn't wait to get started, A little Miss M wanted to join in too, so she made one as well (more on that later)
I did a little research on Soy candles vs Paraffin candles. As I was never too
The fact that crude oil/Paraffin is not a renewable source & to process it causes pollution, makes it environmentally unfriendly. Soy is renewable, so long as their are farmers out there willing to farm Soy Beans, Soy wax will be made. Soy candles will also last twice as long as the cheap Paraffin ones do.
As far as the wicks go, they are cotton, there has been much said about lead wicks, these are banned in Australia. Cotton lead free wicks are what is available to candle makers here in this country.
The only downside with Soy candles is that its impossible to make freestanding candles like the Paraffin ones as the Soy wax is too soft, Soy has to be poured to containers
So far for us here at muddle puddle the making process has been lots of fun, can't wait to see whats on the horizon for this candle making caper, stay tuned............